Maria Meimei Brevidelli
Paulista UniversityBrazil
Title: Compliance with standard-precautions among nursing staff
Biography: Maria Meimei Brevidelli
The adherence to standard-precautions (SP) is essential for the prevention and control of infections related to healthcare. The aim of this study is to measure the level of compliance with SP among nursing staff at a private hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. A cross sectional study was conducted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a private hospital in São Paulo. The collection of professional and demographic data was done from August to October 2014, through a validated scale. Study participants were nurses, technicians and nursing assistants who provided direct care to patients, on all shifts. More frequently ages of the professionals ranged from 30 to 39 years. About 73% of respondents had high school. Regarding the training time, 52% of professionals had 11 to 20 years. On the professional practice time in the hospital, 51.7% had at least 5 years of experience in hospital and 97% of these professionals had only one job. The majority of professionals were aware of the SP in professionals training courses. The totally of the sample reported received training on standard precautions at the hospital, but only 83% said they use them always or often in assistance with all patients, regardless of their diagnosis. It is disturbing to know that some professionals answered not always take the standard precautions in care, or adopt an unsatisfactorily, being exposed to unnecessary occupational hazards. We concluded that most professionals know and adhere to SP measures. However, a small portion, but significant one adopts such measures insufficiently, considered important and necessary in all situations involving health care.