Raquel Machado Cavalca Coutinho
Paulista UniversityBrazil
Title: Ergonomic Analysis of Professionals Reception in a private health facility
Biography: Raquel Machado Cavalca Coutinho
Workers' health is an issue of interest to both the employee and employer, not a unilateral benefit, is a bilaterally profitable investment, but it is still a construction in the area in the public health arena. The objective of this study was to identify the existence of occupational diseases and has musculoskeletal or joint problem, prior to the start of the current work. Check if there is a relationship between weight, height, number of pregnancy, childbirth and abortion with exercise stress problems. This is a research is exploratory quantitative type. It was held in a private health facility in Campinas, SP. We interviewed 13 receptionists and analyzed the jobs by RULA method. We obtained the result that the most frequent age group was 29-39 years, corresponding to 38%, as the work in the institution 61% work from 1 to 4 years. As for physical activity only 23% practice and 61% are overweight. Despite the biomechanics of the professionals are not correct, none of the workers have musculoskeletal problems or previous articulate the beginning of the current job conclude that education in health, as conscious and alert employees about the risks they face if they do not follow the rules and routines the institution.