Mia Ivancic
University College of Applied Sciences in Safety, Croatia
Title: Korsakoff\'s amnestic Syndrome in women under the terms of a competition management
Biography: Mia Ivancic
Western society is based on competition and survival of the fittest, and the competitiveness is so normalized that it is not strange that we feel it as natural in human relations. From the theory of Evolution one social point of view has been created and implemented, and cooperation, egalitarianism and the spirit of help are suppressed as well. In terms of management of a competition it is clear from the application of Darwinian sociology, but it does not work in a family environment. Some individuals establish balance by alcohol consumption. Alcoholic beverages act on neurotransmitters, alter synaptic transmission and ion conductivity, and artificially activate “pleasure centers†in the brain. In the biochemical language; alcohol slows down the flow of calcium into neurons by acting on the CA ++ channels, increases effect of inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA acting on a group of GABA receptors, increases the number of mergers excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. As such, GABA in the central nervous system operates in response to the organism increasing concentration of alcohol. The habit of alcohol consumption, tolerance to alcohol and need for increasing amounts of alcohol cause development of addiction. Neuropath logical changes associated with chronic alcoholism arise mainly as a result of a lack of thiamine, but only in the case of low dietary intakes. In women who consume alcohol such a situation is especially pronounced with a parallel reduction diet, as in women there is especially strong insistence on healthy or desirable appearance that implies deficit pounds like new one determinant of the competition. Entering thiamine is directly related to the carbohydrates entering. It is believed that the need of thiamine for healthy adult men is 0.9 - 1.5 mg of thiamine, and for healthy adult women 0.8 - 1.1 mg. Thiamine is required in intermediate metabolism of carbohydrates. Again in the biochemical language; the citric acid cycle combined dehydrogenation and decarboxylation of pyruvate and acetyl-CoA involves three different enzymes, and five of different coenzymes, of which one thiamin pyrophosphate is active form of thiamine. Organisms that are deficient in thiamine cannot normally oxidize pyruvate. This is particularly important in the brain, which almost all of its energy derived from aerobic oxidation of glucose, which is the oxidation of pyruvate vital. Alternatively, the energy obtained by anaerobic glycolysis. Etiology of alcohol brain damage cause ischemic cascade with decreasing of operating adenosine three phosphates, production of glutamate and depolarization of neuronal membrane with the result of neural death. Korsakoff’s amnestic syndrome is a group of syndromes for anterograde amnesia as episodic explicit memory impairment caused by impairment of hypothalamus and mediodorsal hypothalamic nuclei. There is also a distinct of retrograde amnesia, which is in the advanced stages extending back to events in childhood. With these reasons in some parts of the World the adding of thiamine to alcoholic beverages is seriously considered, in terms of reduction of real consequence, not the cause, as usually.