Jinky leilanie lu
University of the Philippines
Jinky Leilanie LU holds a Master Degree of Occupational Health and PhD, and a Research Professor of the National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila with the Institute of Health Policy and Development Studies. She has authored two books, Gender, Information Technology, and Health which won the National Academy of Science and Technology book award in 2010, and reprinted by the University of Hawaii Press, 2007, and Basics of Occupational Health and Safety: Guidebook for Practitioners and Industries. She has produced 51 journal articles, and 28 of which are Science Citation Indexed. She also contributed a chapter in the Handbook of Anthropometry Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease, published by Springer in 2012. Prof. Lu is a staunch advocate, both as an engaged academic and scientist, in promoting epidemiology of occupational health and safety.
Abstract : Ergonomic hazards and injuries among small scale miners in the Philippines